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Bayvarol Strips
- A sugar shake or alcohol wash needs to be done every 16 weeks, this will give you a mite count, treatment may be nesesary
- Easy and safe to use – simply inset between frames in brood box. For healthy strong colonies use 4 strips per brood chamber; in weaker or new colonies 2 strips per brood chamber is sufficient.
- Carefully follow instructions for Bayvarol Strips - Varroa treatment, on the packet to ensure you do not under-treat your hives. This is an important precaution to help avoid resistance building up in the varroa mite.
- Bayvarol Strips - Easy diagnosis and effective control of Varroa mites.
- The active ingredient is highly effective against mites but harmless to bees (one strip contains only 3.6mg of the active ingredient).
- The bees themselves rapidly distribute the active ingredient by physical contact.
- Convenient handling; single treatment is sufficient.
- Long-lasting effect ensures that even the mites hatching from the sealed brood after the start of the treatment are destroyed.
- Reinfesting mites are killed for the treatment duration of 8 weeks.
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